Seriously Sarah

Who reads this shit?

Thursday, November 18, 2004


Not at a loss for words. Never will be. Whoever can shut me up wins a prize. Just so much going on, too much to post about. Some good stuff, some bad stuff. Will update soon. Know you are on pins and needles. The drivel is addicting. Love always. Or actuallly Like you a lot always. Don't want to be too needy.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Who is Sarah Roberts?: Googling Fun!

I decided to Google myself today out of utter boredom (read: procrastination), and it turns out there are a lot of Sarah Roberts's out there. There are two others at UGA, but I've known that for a while. There is a 16 year-old Sarah Roberts who faked her own abduction, some lawyers, an actress a few teachers, lots of students, a classical guitarist, and many more I'm sure. There were NO pages about me though, which is why I've written this entry. Hopefully my blog will now show up if anyone Googles the name Sarah Roberts. We'll see, I guess.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


God Bless America! 4 More Years! I'm certainly pleased with the outcome of the general election.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Randomness Rules

  • Anyone else see the new South Park on Wed.? I've loved almost every South Park episode, but this is definitely going to be one of my new favorites. I almost peed in my pants at the P.Diddy thing, and the PETA bit was hilarious. It's funny 'cause it's true!
  • The show after South Park, Drawn Together, was hilarious as well. The old timey, black and white girl cartoon character, I totally can't remember her name, is a major dig on Frankie from the Real World San Diego. The character's even a "cutter" too, hee!
  • Paris Hilton sucks. She's so very obnoxious. I hate her.
  • Georgia beat Florida! We won! WOOHOO! I do hate how people are saying we "reversed the curse" against Florida, 14 years, plus one win in '97, does not a curse make. Besides we totally deserved to win, we are the much better team.
  • MTV tries to be all nonpartisan, or at least tries to convince its viewers they are, but all their coverage of the election has a liberal and Democratic slant. Gideon Yago always has a hint of disdain in his voice when he talks about Bush and other Republican leaders.
  • Procrastination is no fun, but alas it is the story of my life. This blog is purely a tool for procrastination.
  • A lot of my friends and, sadly, my 19 year old brother are not voting. This really pisses me off. Granted, I do not want to get all P.Diddy on their ass but their apathy really annoys the shit out of me.
  • I have a semi-crush on a (gasp!) Northerner who's a (double gasp!) liberal. He would definitely meet my criteria of a "bad boy". All of my principles: Poof! There they go, right out the window!

OK that's it, I'll hush. Time to write my paper on Tupac's "Changes," and no that's not a joke.